Okanagan Christian Counselling and Mediation

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If your marriage is in need of a makeover, or if you are in a critical time for making decisions regarding your marriage, consider our Marriage Intensives which pack a year's worth of counselling, deep-diving conflict resolution, and decision making into a weekend.

Okanagan Christian Counselling offers marriage intensives that are biblically based, Holy Spirit-led, and focused on God's WHOLE PLAN for your marriage. No matter what your marriage needs, no matter what the problems are, our retreats and intensives can make a substantial difference and set your marriage on a solid path and a restored, redeemed and healthier future.

* Individual Mini Retreats with you, your spouse and a specialized Christian Marriage Counsellor for a full day, or numerous days, a weekend, or a week. We face the issues, we get to the truth, we teach you new tools for your marriage, and you will see what God can truly do with your marriage when you give Him the time and space, full surrender, and open minds and hearts.

* Group Intensives are weekends of multiple couples that are booked a couple times a year. Intensives include counsel and teaching in areas of value, honor, respect, truth, communication, shared healing, shared vision, desire, a love that grows, sexual intimacy, emotional intimacy, and spiritual intimacy, as well as implementation or realignment of Godly leadership and relationship.

No matter which retreat you choose for your marriage, this investment in it may truly be one of the best decisions you can make for its health, its growth, its healing, and its future.  

We can help.

Contact us with any questions you have, and to book your Marriage Intensive: email us at
info@okanaganchristiancounselling.com or tel/text us at 250-718-8856.
Everybody is in need sometimes.  Needing some support and counsel is not a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength for yourself, your family, for your marriage, for your children.  A peaceful home is worth it.  Let us help.  We are available.  Okanagan Christian Counselling.  

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